Thursday, April 16, 2009

Major Importers

In 2005 the United States wooden furniture imports worldwide were worth US$16 billion. The big European Union countries and Japan were the other top importers. Japan and France had increased their intakes between 2004 and 2005, while imports in the United Kingdom and Germany had declined.

In the aggregate, the world’s five largest importers (the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Japan) purchased US$31.2 billion wooden furniture in 2005. This was 5% more than the previous year. The growth trend in trade was impressive in the United States market in particular.

The United States has continued to grow as the world’s largest importer of wooden furniture. Its imports reached US$16.1 billion in 2005, up by 11% from the previous year. This well reflects the lasting consumer confidence and housing sector strength in the country as well as the domestic producers’ loss of market share to Chinese producers. Housing boom until 2005 was driven in large part by demographics, immigration and affordability. The most recent information shows moderating housing starts, however, as interest rates hike upwards.

The United Kingdom grew up into the second place, before Germany. Both countries imported around US$4.5 billion in 2004. France also steadily increased imports to US$3.7 billion. Japan’s imports grew slightly to US$2.4 billion in 2004 after several years of static trade.

Pakistan reportedly exports to about 80 countries, of which Malaysia, Italy, the United States, Singapore, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Spain are the biggest buyers. Such a fragmented structure in exports indicates small deliveries to whatever market opens up to Pakistani firms. There appears to be very little concentration on developing a few of the key markets for bigger volumes while leaving the others unattended for.

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